Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


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Group of students in school uniform 


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    8th May 2024

    Degree apprenticeships continue to evolve, with the announcement this week that the Government has selected eight institutions in England to receive funding for delivering four-year teaching degree apprenticeships.

    These apprentices will receive salaries during their training to become qualified teachers, eliminating the need to pay any course fees. The Department for Education (DfE) highlighted that this initiative aims to support individuals who may find it financially challenging to pursue traditional university routes.

    The University of Brighton has recently announced plans to enrol up to 25 apprentices from England's initial 150 pilot cohort for the academic year starting in 2025.

    Currently to become a secondary school teacher in the UK, you need an undergraduate degree in the subject you want to teach after which there are various teacher training programs available to gain qualified teacher status (QTS), such as the one-year PGCE, which blends academic study with teaching experience. School Direct allows you to train while working in a school, while Teach First is a two-year leadership program aimed at tackling educational inequality by combining teaching with training in challenging schools. 

    Under this scheme, apprentices will spend three days per week in practical teaching roles within schools and dedicate two days to academic study at the university, with the program spanning four years.

    While the exact apprentice salaries are pending confirmation, the DfE assured that remuneration would correspond to the trainees' responsibilities throughout their course.

    For the 2025 academic intake, the University of Brighton's apprenticeship program is limited to secondary school mathematics specialists. However, it plans to broaden its scope to encompass additional subjects and primary education starting in 2026.

    Meanwhile, the University of Sussex has expressed its intent to offer a teaching apprenticeship in the coming years but has yet to confirm approval or partnerships.

    Click here for more information and how to apply.


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