PORTAL SURVEYSo that we can continue to provide the information and content you need, we are currently conducting a survey to evaluate how students and teachers use the portal. We would be very grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete this short questionnaire.Click here for survey linkThank you! The Careers Guidance For You team
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On this portal you can access key information, resources and dates of events to help you support your students through key transition points.
We've included details of our careers lesson materials, access to our eCLIPS careers resource, events including live employer webinars, local Labour Market Information, and copies of our termly newsletters to support your careers education programme in school.
Where relevant, some of the information on this portal is shared across different user groups - Students, Parents, Teachers - whilst other content is bespoke to each group.
If there’s something that you think would be useful to have on the portal just let us know: [email protected].
Our careers lessons cover a wide range of topics and include a lesson plan with interactive class activities. Read more
Careers information on over 1400 jobs plus advice on study and career choices. Read more
Data on local employers, growth sectors, apprenticeships and jobs, average salaries and qualification levels. Read more
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) aim to reshape skills training provision to better meet the local needs of employers and the wider economy. These updates and articles focus on those priority sectors within our counties which are in most need of skills now and in the future. Read more
Keeping you up to date with our newsletters and updates. Read more
Find sources of further information by topics and transition stages. Read more