Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


Welcome to Adviza's Careers Portal:

The Gateway to Planning Your Career


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Group of students in school uniform 


You'll find lots of useful information to help you make the right decisions when it comes to choosing options and career routes. 

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Parent and teenager looking at laptop



You'll find the information and tools you need to support your child at key times when decisions need to be made.

    Go to Parents


    Careers adviser and students looking at computers



    You'll find key information, resources and dates of events to support your students through key transition points.

    Go to Teachers

    17th July 2023

    This is our last News post until next term, so we thought we would give you something to be getting stuck into over the break - podcasts!

    Until 15 years ago, podcasting was an untapped media. However, podcasts have now become a popular source of storytelling, information sharing and entertainment. A recent survey found that nearly a quarter of respondents aged 18-24 ranked podcasts as one of their top five sources of news, and half ranked it as one of their top five sources of entertainment. 

    Part of their appeal is that they are easily accessible and offer a personalised and immersive way for listeners to consume content. The episodic structure of them also allows hosts to implement feedback from their listeners, creating a sense of community and loyalty.

    So, what has this got to do with career planning? Well, one of the main appeal of podcasts is the wide range of topics covered: from politics and sports to pop culture and investigative journalism and because many of the top commentators in these fields are hosting or appearing on podcasts, listeners are able to deep-dive into their favourite areas of interest. So, if you are thinking about a career in a particular sector but aren’t sure what area, or indeed can’t decide between two disparate sectors, listening to the experts debate current issues and trends can be a very quick and insightful way of figuring out what appeals most.

    Let’s take an example. Let’s say you’re taking Business A Level, enjoy all aspects of it, and want to study it at university or apply for an apprenticeship, but you’re not sure whether it should be a degree that focuses on ManagementMarketingAccounting or FinanceAnalytics or Human Resources. Should it have an Enterprise component or a Placement component? Of course you can browse websites, watch videos and TV shows, take part in virtual work experience or arrange actual work experience, but securing opportunities in more than two or three areas would be a real achievement. So, sitting down and drawing up a list of the best podcasts in these fields would be a great idea to get to the heart of these sectors and see what sticks. Here’s a quick list we compiled:


    Inside the Strategy Room

    HBR on Leadership


    Marketing Week



    Fast Money



    The Marketing Intelligence Show

    Hub & Spoken

    Human Resources:

    HR Magazine

    The XpertHR


    The Millenial Entrepreneur

    The 21st Century Entrepreneur


    Cardiff Uni podcast

    York Uni podcast

    These are just a selection - use this site to search for podcasts that interest you in your sectors or subjects of interest and be careful to pick ones that are UK based and up to date. The links we have given you are on Apple, free for Apple users but you can also find them on Google Play.

    In addition to giving you insight into various careers, they can also be very useful at identifying your particular passions and the evidence to back them up; very useful for personal statements or interviews!

    Don't forget the great programmes on podcasts on BBC Sounds

    For more podcasts in other sectors see our portal section:  See your Future....Be Your Future 


    Read more of our Careers News