Bucks Employment Support

Bucks Employment Support

Supporting the Bucks community reach employment and learning goals

To learn more about the Building Future project, please click the image above to watch our video.

Pippa is a Front Line Paramedic with the Scottish Ambulance Service. She loves being out and about and enjoys the problem solving aspect of her job. Pippa left school wanting to go into Show Jumping and then trained to work as a Horse Chiropractor, she then got a degree in Archeology, find out how she ended up as a Paramedic!

Physiotherapist Lisa loves the variety of her job, no two days are the same. Lisa tells us how important communication skills and rapport building skills are in her role. Lisa was unsure what she wanted to do when she left school but knew that she wanted to work in a hospital setting. 


Matthew thought he would be a footballer and then went into a job in sales. He says he had no ideas what he wanted to do after GCSEs, so how did he end up doing a job that he really loves?! Listen and find out.