As The Prince’s Trust Team programme came to a close at the end of 2022, I felt a familiar sense of pride in the young people who completed the life-changing twelve-week course.

Adviza aims to run Team three times a year in Aylesbury and Bracknell; the September cohort is the last of the year and as such it’s often the time when we reflect on the success and learning points of the programme. But every programme throughout the year is assessed, the numbers crunched, the participation data recorded. Success data is important to employability programmes: how many joined, how many stayed the course, what happened next.  

But each data point represents the course of someone’s life changing, and the reason we love stories at Adviza is that it is within these stories that we locate the true value of what we do.

Take Sarah*. She had left education very early. Accustomed to being at home, she found the group environment of Team an obstacle: simply turning up took a lot of courage and engaging in group activities was a challenge. Sarah tried a bit, withdrew when she needed to, tried a little more every day or every week. We didn’t try to push her out of her comfort zone because she would have left the programme. Instead, we supported her to find her own comfort level. By the fifth week of Team she had her first job interview, and got the job.

Or take Ian*, who had been to college and had a job but didn’t enjoy it and had no idea what he wanted to do. This is a feeling common to many of the young people who join Team, many of whom face barriers including poor mental health and low confidence. And while Ian  was apprehensive about the work experience that is a part of the Team programme, he was eventually able to use it to discover a passion for health and social care. With the help of the Adviza staff he has been able to secure a place at university, and has had a job interview as a healthcare assistant.

Over the course of twelve weeks, both of these individuals and many more have transformed their prospects.

Our next programme

The Prince’s Trust Team programme will launch in Aylesbury and Bracknell on Monday 23rd January 2023. There are still places available. 

What is The Prince’s Trust Team programme?

Team is a twelve-week personal development programme for people aged 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training. It includes community and team work, workplace skills coaching and exposure to new career options. It helps participants develop confidence, ambition and skills, gain a qualification and meet new people. Typically, three-quarters of participants who complete the course enter into learning or work within three months. The young people who participate tell us that Team builds their confidence, ambition, drive and sense of hope, as well as leading directly to employment, education or training. Our delivery teams can see clearly how life-changing the programme can be.  

How to get involved in Team 2023

Bracknell: Contact Jasmine Roberts, 07827 947 315, [email protected]

Aylesbury: Contact John Baker, 07739 269 940, [email protected]

Or to learn more, visit

*Names have been changed to protect identity.


- By Jasmine Roberts, Leader of Bracknell Team