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What is Multiply?

The government-funded Multiply scheme is part of Buckinghamshire Council’s new ‘Opportunity Bucks’ programme which aims to improve outcomes for people in Buckinghamshire. Gaining new skills and qualifications can open up a range of opportunities for people, from new jobs to greater confidence in everyday life.

Who the Multiply scheme is for

It is an initiative for those who are 19+ and do not hold a level 2 numeracy qualification to bring them closer to gaining employability.     

Do you:

  • Struggle with understanding the numbers on your bills?
  • Lose track of adding up when you’re out shopping?
  • Find it hard to work out the best discounts and deals for your money?
We are here to help you understand how we use maths in our everyday lives.


Improving your confidence in maths might help you:

  • Manage your household budget
  • Get a new job
  • Help your children with their homework

Visit our News page to see our upcoming courses!

Who delivers Multiply?

Multiply is delivered by careers charity Adviza as a subcontractor of Bucks Adult Learning, the UK Government and Skills for Life.

How to get involved

If you would like to get involved, you can do so by attending one of our many workshops taking place through 2024. Contact us and one of our specialist advisers will be in touch with the details:

Contact us 

Find out more

Skills For Life - Multiply Buckinghamshire Council - Multiply