Adviza is proud to announce the launch of our new careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) service, called “Careers Guidance For You”.

The new service represents a significant evolution of our established, popular schools careers service, with changes developed from ongoing conversations with schools, students and parents.

Adviza’s priorities for the updated service are the need to continue providing relevant, informed careers guidance to students in the UK and the importance of ensuring our packages and delivery are flexible, effective and equally accessible for all.

Sue Cross, Regional Manager for Adviza, said:

Crises usually exacerbate inequalities in society, and young people and the socially and economically disadvantaged are set to bear the brunt of the pandemic’s impact on the economy. It is more important than ever that our schools careers service can reach as many young people as possible, which is why we have significantly enhanced our digital and remote delivery, with learning tools that can be used anywhere and at any time.

Learn more about Careers Guidance For You.

Contact us if you wish to discuss your school's needs.