Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


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The Gateway to Planning Your Career


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    20th September 2023

    Higher and Degree apprenticeships offer a unique opportunity for students to combine full-time work with part-time university studies. There is plenty of practical advice on how to find apprenticeships (for example, via our portal section), but preparing for an application requires a combination of academic, professional, and personal readiness. We have talked to many employers over the last few years, and these are the tips they regularly give students in order to maximise chances of success:


    This cannot be underestimated. Understand what a degree apprenticeship involves, including the responsibilities and benefits. Identify sectors or industries of interest and list companies and institutions that offer degree apprenticeships in those sectors. Which roles appeal? Learn more about them via eCLIPS and Prospects.

    If you are unsure if you are right for a role, do some careers matching quizzes such as Job Match or invest in a Morrisby evaluation.

    Academic Preparation:

    It's vital to maintain a solid academic record. While some degree apprenticeships might not require specific grades, a strong academic background can enhance your application. You can also add to your toolkit with a relevant EPQ (if not already taken) and online courses.

    Consider taking part in extracurricular activities, projects, or coursework that gives you practical experience related to the role. Listen to podcasts from experts in those industries and attend online webinars to get a real handle on the issues facing the industry and how it plans to tackle them.

    Gain Relevant Experience:

    It is vital to engage in work experiences, internships or summer placements in your chosen industry. Volunteering can be a great way to learn more too - and are there any relevant clubs or societies at school or in the community to demonstrate your interest and commitment? Not only will these experiences develop technical skills and evidence your interest in the sector, you will develop transferable skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and organisation. These are hugely valued, as they are always listed as requirements within job advertisements.

    Tailor Your Application:

    Ensure your Skills Based CV and cover letter are tailored to the apprenticeship role and company you're applying to and highlight any relevant experiences and skills that align with the role's requirements. Also, it's a good idea to demonstrate your enthusiasm and motivation for the apprenticeship model as well as the job and industry.

    Prepare for Interviews and Assessments:

    You probably already know that you need to prepare examples that demonstrate your skills and experiences but employers tell us that candidates who have taken the time to really learn about the company's values, culture and products/services will always stand out. Think about how you can get this knowledge across - what questions could you ask? 

    Some employers may have assessment centres or online tests; familiarise yourself with these processes.

    Utilise Social Media

    Reach out via LinkedIn or other social media to current or past apprentices. Inquire about the challenges, benefits, and day-to-day responsibilities. You may be surprised at how many will be happy to help! You can also build your personal brand via Instagram or TikTok which showcases your interests.


    Be prepared for rejections, and don’t be discouraged. The competition can be tough, but every experience can provide a learning opportunity. You may feel that taking a gap year will give you the time to focus fully on your application. Stay persistent and keep applying until you find the right fit!

    Further Resources:


    Amazing Apprenticeships



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