Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


Welcome to Adviza's Careers Portal:

The Gateway to Planning Your Career


Are you new to the Portal? Why not watch our brand new tour video to help you get started:



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Thank you! The Careers Guidance For You team

Group of students in school uniform 


You'll find lots of useful information to help you make the right decisions when it comes to choosing options and career routes. 

Go to Students


Parent and teenager looking at laptop



You'll find the information and tools you need to support your child at key times when decisions need to be made.

    Go to Parents


    Careers adviser and students looking at computers



    You'll find key information, resources and dates of events to support your students through key transition points.

    Go to Teachers

    Applied General Qualifications are for students wishing to undertake a broad study of a specific vocational area. Applied General Qualifications include BTECs and OCR Cambridge Technicals and are available in a variety of vocational areas such as Performing Arts, Business,  IT, Travel and Tourism and many others.

    Applied General qualifications help learners to develop the fundamental knowledge and practical skills that are valued in universities and the workplace.

    A variety of assessment types allow learners to apply their knowledge in a practical way, and an integrated approach to learning means they gain a broad variety of skills.

    Note: These qualifications are currently under government review, and there is a discussion that they may not continue to fund these once T levels are fully up and running.

    What Level? 

    Available at level 1 to level 3 for school leavers. 

    What Next?

    You can apply for degree course at university, consider an HND or an HNC, apply for an apprenticeship (up to degree level) or go straight out into the workplace. 

    Where can I find out more?

    Contact local colleges and find out which qualifications they offer. Each college will be different, and they will offer different courses. You will need to do your research to find out who offers what. Speak to the colleges about how the course are run and what they involve. Some colleges will have videos that you can watch on their websites to help you to understand what a course might be like. 

    If you have a particular course in mind but you don't know where offers that course, you can use the Find Courses website to help you to find which local colleges offer different courses. You can put in the course title and then search by geographical area.  


    Not sure what you want to do? Have a look at our Which Career section on the Student page.