Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


Welcome to Adviza's Careers Portal:

The Gateway to Planning Your Career


Are you new to the Portal? Why not watch our brand new tour video to help you get started:



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Group of students in school uniform 


You'll find lots of useful information to help you make the right decisions when it comes to choosing options and career routes. 

Go to Students


Parent and teenager looking at laptop



You'll find the information and tools you need to support your child at key times when decisions need to be made.

    Go to Parents


    Careers adviser and students looking at computers



    You'll find key information, resources and dates of events to support your students through key transition points.

    Go to Teachers

    An apprenticeship is more than doing work experience, you will be in a real job, where you will be employed by a company, get paid and be entitled to paid holidays and sick pay just as any other employee. You will also be working towards a qualification that is relevant to that job at the same time.

    There are over 1,500 different jobs roles you can do an apprenticeship in across 170 different industries, from engineering to graphic design, hairdressing to accountancy.

    Apprentices earn a wage. They will work for at least 30 hours per week and this will include paid time to complete their studies.

    Apprentices will be given real responsibilities and expected to work hard, just like anyone else in the company. They will also be supported by a training provider, who will help them to achieve their qualifications and make sure they complete their apprenticeship.

    An apprenticeship typically takes 1 to 4 years to complete (sometimes up to 6 for some areas like Solicitor). As a minimum, all apprenticeships must last for a minimum of 12 months.

    Find out more on our Apprenticeship page
    Find an apprenticeship to search and apply for apprenticeships
    Amazing Apprenticeships for useful information and resources. 

    What Level? 

    Level 2-3 with the possibility to progress up to degree Level. These are categorised as Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree apprenticeships. Intermediate and Advanced apprenticeships (level 2-3) are open to school leavers.  

    What Next?

    You could get a job with your current employer after your apprenticeship. Many employers like to hire you because they trained you and know you can do the job well. You could also find a new job with a different employer, go to university or start another type of higher education or do another apprenticeship at a higher level.

    You can watch videos of real apprentices talking about their experiences, including what they did after their apprenticeship.

    A student perspective 

    Have a listen to our podcasts and find out why Molly, Ejae and Sam chose an Apprenticeship.


    Need some inspiration? Click here to listen to people talking about their career journeys in our career chat podcasts!