National Careers Service logoKhim contacted the National Careers Service following encouragement from the Job Centre she was attending. Khim’s motivation was financial necessity as she and her family were struggling with only her partner’s income and some benefit payments. Khim had been out of work for a long period of time, having taken care of the couple’s children for many years. Because of this, she felt out of touch with the expectations of employers and workplaces.

Khim worked hard with her National Careers Service adviser Lucy, attending online careers sessions throughout lockdown and using the National Careers Service website information and tools to research job roles that were of interest to her, which she found very helpful.  

Together Khim and Lucy also updated Khim’s CV and role-played scenarios involving mock interviews for her to practice and perfect techniques for the real thing.

Khim’s hard work absolutely paid off when she was offered a job at a local supermarket. She says: 

I am enjoying every minute of it. The people are nice and helpful, and I have a supportive line manager. It’s a very busy working environment which I like so yes, I’m very happy.

When reflecting on her experience with the National Careers Service, Khim said:

It was so nice to see a face again after all the COVID-19 restrictions and being able to talk to someone totally committed to helping me. I think it has improved my confidence as I went into my interview relaxed knowing that I had done my research about the company and prepared myself for the kind of interview questions and answers I was expecting. 

She added:

The best thing overall about my experience with the National Careers Service was that it helped me to believe in myself, something I have never been able to do before.


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